Paul Brewster: From Wearside through Warsaw to Somewhere Else – ‘Talk’ of an Artist on the slide to success or oblivion.

Sunday, August 13, 2006


... for the lack of recent or any forthcoming updates for the next week or so! Unfortunately, The Laptop (along with its access to broadband) suddenly bit the dust a week or two back and is currently away being brought back to life. In consequence, I've currently only got access to dial-up on my old PC which costs an absolute arm and a leg to use here and is slow – slow – slow!


From time to time you come across people and places which make whatever choices in life, or places you choose to lay your hat, more than worthwhile regardless of the consequences...

Behind the bar of Jazz Pub for example, stands the owner of the establishment with her hands, arms, and upper torso active in the kind of animation which you can't help but recognise as one of unconditional welcome!

Wisia, an ex-model from the world stage of the 60s, remains to this day a super-model in stature along with a combined nounce and savvy which ranks without doubt with that of sage and the indispensable nurse she clearly is to all who cross her threshold.

We came across the place by accident a couple of months ago when we were on our way back across The Wisła from a sortie to check out a gallery in Saska Kepa. Lying next to one of the archers of Poniatowskiego Bridge the bar resembles a concrete bunker on the outside, a bordello within and boasts a mixture of characters to match both features. It has quickly established a place in our hearts and minds alike with ease like no other bar in Warsaw has managed to-date! But be warned - if you're ever passing and are tempted to pop in to wet your whistle then you may just never want, or be capable of ever leaving – Not, that is, until you've told Wisia every detail of your life's story, she's put your future to rights, and after she's switched on the PA System, handed you the mike for you to sing with true passion your most essential favourite song in the world ever -

this is obligatory to any new visitor given the honour of the chairman's stool at the bar for the first time... If you can imagine a combination of a day in the life of Rodney (from Only Fools and Horses) and the film Cabaret then you've got it! This...


... but of no less fascination, than yet another field trip to the flat-lands of North-East Poland, where the men drink beaver's blood and the women eat chain saws.

Along with a dreamed of life in the lakeside villa (where we’re lucky enough to spend time in Serwy), ‘Dolce Vita’ is the description with which Dominika’s mother, describes the place fondly. She repeatedly waves her hands around to point out and to indicate what amounts to over twenty years of hard graft for the family to build from scratch with no more than their bare hands for tools and perhaps the use of a hammer or two here and there for help, a well designed, tasteful, yet substantial building which blends in comfortably with the surrounding landscape. The tone in her voice however indicates a clear air of loss and scepticism which, if you take a closer look around at the magnificent vistas, becomes understandable. Serwy, as with many of Poland's hamlets and villages set in prime beauty spots, is clearly being invaded by Poland's nouveau riche, who unlike Dominika’s mother, her kin and the local people rich only on tradition, have their newly acquired 'Walt Disney' ways and are hell-bent on outdoing their fellow weekend countryside seekers in building bigger, brasher and brighter bastions of bad taste! Close to my heart, even the 'village pub' has succumbed to off-the-peg, prefabricated fashion to become a multi-story, day-glow convenience store with only one barrel of ale attached to satisfy.., well.., I'm not sure who..? Perhaps as a bogus gesture to the weekend keep-fit freaks in their castles in the air, as thank the lord, they never seem to frequent the place, leaving the few lingering locals (who remain true drinkers to the last) to it to finish off the barrel on a daily basis. Like the unadulterated bandits they are, the indigenous few are never unwilling to accept the odd beer or two while they unflinchingly relay their folk tales of woodchoppers, giants and whether it's wet enough for the mushrooms to appear today or not - Most definitely worth the long journey for..!


… which, who knows, may well result in some significant work from another field trip to Pojezierze Augustowsko-Suwalskie recently, but certainly for the shear pleasure of it anyway, I found myself sitting in the sun, rain and wind in the North-East of Poland with canvas on the grass – paint brush in hand and puzzled look on face painting directly from nature and travelling on Pekaes through the Polish Flatlands and Forests, inspiring perhaps the beginnings of a video project… Well, we’ll see..!


... for me that Poland continues to entertain as much as intrigue and endure as a vital source to a resurgent working output considering money concerns are certainly an issue, with a return to England, however much that feels in many ways like a step backwards, undoubtedly crossing the mind from time to time.., as it is now for those who...


... sitting apart in private little spots they've found for themselves on the deck of an already half empty rudderless boat, friends and colleagues (I know I'll be forgiven for the Rat metaphor) seem suddenly to be contemplating on-mass whether to jump, or rather when to jump, Ship Polska and head off for richer ports somewhere - anywhere else... It's both scary and sad, but very understandable considering the rising prices here in Poland and the disgraceful fact that professionals, such as senior lectures, earn little more than casual bar staff in England. One such friend, who I might add is staunchly patriotic, qualified to the hilt and loves Warsaw like the city was a lover, took up work as a waitress on her recent return from a year working in Italy rather than committing herself to anything long term here, stating that the place just had nothing to offer her anymore.

This doesn't bode well for the Law and Justice Government whose recent statement (sorry – no time to search for the link while I'm on dial-up) which claimed that there was absolutely no truth in the rumours about a brain-drain and so obviously indicates a government hiding their heads and not listening at all to the crew down here at deck level; who, if their genuine thoughts and concerns are to be taken seriously, clearly points to a future where Poland will be left with little more than cleaners and bus drivers to man the ship – But hang on there, they're buggering off to!