Paul Brewster: From Wearside through Warsaw to Somewhere Else – ‘Talk’ of an Artist on the slide to success or oblivion.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


I thought I’d heard talk of cross country skis and snow shoes in and around the bars and cafes lately, and although we’ve had the very odd snow flurry throughout November didn’t think it was anything to write home about. Today though and I think I get it, as I woke this morning to my first ankle deep covering of the real stuff, with the whole city covered by a dirt-free pallor which, for me, looks somewhat alien. I can only remember seeing such a sight in town, way back in the winter of 1976-77 after that blistering summer of 76; when, to get to work down at the north dock, we had to wade through two feet of the stuff via Sunderland town centre. Since then, and snow, in and around urban spaces, has usually meant ten or so minutes dreaming of snowmen and sledging, followed almost immediately by the reality of freezing wet feet, filthy sludge and praying for spring to arrive; and, I’ve been waiting and staring out of the window for the last hour or so for this ashen delight to go the same way and turn to the usual slush; but nope, there goes a group of school bairns now, all togged up in bear outfits and trudging along with the necessary tennis rackets for footwear to stop them sinking in the blissful powdery surface…

You must think I’ve swallowed the vocabulary of a slushy, trashy novel, but seriously it’s so appealing out there at the moment that only crap will do to describe it, and indeed, looking at such a scene, and it seems ages ago since the beginning of the month when the weather was simply – filthy and the 1st of November saw in All Saints Day here, followed by The Day of the Dead – both huge holidays and serious stuff in Poland. I was advised to check out the ‘celebrations’ at a cemetery, as the sight is described by everyone as breathtaking – it seems every graveyard in Poland is lit up with trillions of candles etc. It’s a long story, but I missed the whole thing… Hopefully, next year I’ll get my act together..!

I did however get to attend the Independence Day celebrations on the 11th, which might have been interesting if I could have seen anything beyond the crowds...

And how about work? Well, it seems to have picked up from one source lately and disappeared from another for the time being, and the thing I've been avoiding like the devil, mainly because it involves teaching of a kind, has finally arrived… I suppose it was inevitable, and although I wouldn't like to earn my living from it.., yeah, it’s good as a supplementary income, but odd sort of work though!

Anyway, had my first experience doing what’s called ‘Conversation’ with Jasz (Andrzej's partner) and Beata – both really nice – Archaeologists so it transpires, but before they arrived the first time, was shitting myself – not knowing my English nouns from my adverbs etc...! Still it went really well and I surprised myself during the second session last night by really enjoying it. They’re both really interesting to share an hour or two with, and although their English does need tweaking a bit, no surprise here, but it’s already at a stage that puts my Polish well to shame and probably always will..! Still my Polish is getting a tiny bit better as the weeks pass, but when it comes to English, let’s hope Jasz and Beata don’t suss that my north-east accent is as broad as the River Wear, because most, if not all educated Polish English speakers here, as for those of you who’ve met any of my Polish mates may already have guessed, have very plumby BBC accents, and I suppose that’s what’s expected..?

Talking of which, and I’ve finally got broad-band up and running and it's very odd to listen to BBC radio again, and however much I used to hate the stupid rubbish, suppose beggars can’t be.., so I’ve even started listening to ‘The Archers’, just to get a whiff of some sort of entertainment on these cold dark nights... Actually, never could before, and still can’t follow the story lines...

On the ‘English’ theme, had a wonderful weekend this week, which included, surprise, surprise, a few beers down by the river where I’ve discovered a great bar which doubles as a venue for bands. When we were there with a couple of friends on Saturday, enjoying a great meal I might add, the band turns up, and they turn out to be a group of old British Punks, (I can’t quite remember who - fairly famous though - but after a few brews, I’d have to check with one of the others on that one). Anyway, we were there just up until the end of the sound check, so got to exchange the odd expletive or two with the members; it felt weird though, hearing a room full of coarse British voices again, as apposed to the usual ex-pats who, on the whole, usually wear very hoity-toity accents. The band had flown over just for the one night which made me feel really proud! In fact the short chat we had with the lads made me feel really proud all round to be British for the first time in my life... They were definitely great ambassadors of the right sort - God Save the Queen, and all that!

As far as kick starting the art career again is concerned and I knew before I started that this was going to be a long, long process and take more than a little inspiration here and a dab of paint there, and in consequence, have done very little in the way of video or painting this month in favour of writing… stupid waste of time I know, but The Book is coming along really well – (who am I kidding), but seven chapters finished and about twice as much again on the go, and it feels like I’m at least doing something creative, on paper anyway, if not in reality… I really still can’t get an angle on painting at the moment though, no matter how hard I struggle, so I suppose writing is better than doing nothing.

I haven’t been able to get in touch with the owner of the café/gallery for ages anyway, and to be honest, I haven’t done a single trace of work yet for the show which is supposed to be in February, so have kind of gone off the idea of showing there at all in favour of approaching a place we’ve just discovered. Raster Gallery, although having a crap name, truly is the place to show as a contemporary here, and to be honest I really think I’m in with a very good shout of getting in there... So, let’s just hope that the other place has forgotten all about me, or if not, then will have to be satisfied with showing some old stuff... Have got enough of the right kind of work in the archives anyway, so no sweat there really, but just can’t be arsed suddenly, as the venue posses some rather complicated logistical problems in setting up video... I think the guy expects me to provide projectors, Pc’s and the like as well... Hey, I’m not a cinema!

Onto more pressing matters however, and is there still no let up in the embarrassment. It’s one thing to be bottom of the table, but have the lads really got to deliver the present of yet another dismal-record in beating our previous relegation tally of, was it nineteen points last time we got relegated..? Going down for sure, but can we not at least do it in the manner of old, and weep on the final day of the season when goal difference is the only thing which sends us down..?